SHOT Show 2020: 3 products for improving officer safety

‘From preventing blue-on-blue shootings to delivering 24-7 police firearms training, vendors at this year’s SHOT Show aim to improve officer safety year round’

November 2019 Tech Roundup
Each year, nearly 1,000 people are accidentally shot by hunters, often because they were hidden from view by the animal, foliage or other obstacles to a clear line of sight. Developed by Israeli veterans, the SafeShoot is a new system that lets the hunter know if someone wearing another device is in the line of fire, even if that person can’t be seen. The devices can even be worn by dogs!
ISDEF 2019: SafeShoot will be exhibiting its safety devices
SafeShoot will be exhibiting at the Israel Defense & HLS (Home Land Security) Expo 2019. ISDEF Expo 2019 will take place in Tel Aviv, Israel, from June 4 to June 6. SafeShoot is a US company specialised in the design and production of safe systems helping preventing friendly fire accidents. These systems have been created for hunters, soldiers and homeland security forces.

New Device Helps Prevent Friendly Fire Accidents
I got the chance to spend some time with the guys at SafeShoot at this spring’s NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits and their product is something worth talking about. They have developed a device that attaches to a firearm and will let the shooter know when there is someone or somethign in their line of fire and give them a sign that it is not safe to shoot.
5 Ways to Stay Safe in the Deer Woods This Fall
Some hunters are anal about safety, while others are complacent or even tolerant of rules being bent and/or broken. This reminds me of a visit to the local firing range prior to Wisconsin’s 2011 firearms deer season.
A father was watching over his son’s shoulder as he shot several rounds. Suddenly, the boy looked back at his father and pointed the muzzle right down the bench toward other shooters, including me. The father corrected his son but passed off the mistake with laughter. If that were my kid, I wouldn’t have allowed him to hunt that season after a mistake like that. Being careless with the muzzle is no joke. It goes back to the most basic principle we all learn during hunter education: always point the muzzle in a safe direction.

Fish and Game Gear
by: TF&G Staff June 2018
SRAELI MILITARY PROFESSIONALS created SafeShoot to eliminate friendly fire accidents. During his years of service (ret) Brigadier General Amir Nadin was disturbed by the high number of casualties due to friendly fire. When he learned of the genesis of SafeShoot he decided to take the helm as CEO and devote his time to fixing the problem of friendly fire.
SafeShoot to Introduce Solution to Prevent Friendly Fire at Eurosatory 2018
Israel-based SafeShoot will introduce GreenShield, a unique solution for the prevention of friendly fire incidents at Eurosatory 2018.
SafeShoot offers two types of devices: The Shooter Device is applicable for the shooting elements within the forces including heavy direct fire weapons (tanks or RWS), UAVs, attack helicopters, light infantry weapons, and relevant HLS weapons (pistols, etc.). The Defender Device is designed for non-shooting elements such as support units, search dogs, instructors, medical aid and evacuation personnel.

Breakthrough Israeli Solution will Prevent Friendly Fire Incidents
by: June 4, 2018
Modern warfare, much of which takes place in densely populated areas, has led to an increase in friendly fire incidents. A new and surprising Israeli technology in our field, Homeland Security, will try to prevent such incidents and reduce the number of casualties. The solution for the identification of own forces in the field is designed for hunting, law enforcement, homeland security, and military scenarios.
Protective Shield
GreenShield is a novel solution developed by Israel-based SafeShoot (Hall 6, Stand DC707) to prevent friendly fire incidents in hunting, law enforcement, homeland security and military scenarios.
The solution is based on a shooter and defender device, in which the spatial position and barrel direction of all SafeShoot devices (shooter and/or defender) are detected.

Hunter safety is of the utmost importance when introducing children to one of our beloved past times.
When I was young and stupid, I made a mistake that wasn’t nearly as costly as it could’ve been. Like most southern hunters, my family joined a hunting club. In the off-season we worked on roads, stand sites, food plots, etc. While visiting our south Georgia lease one weekend, our group participated in a clay skeet shoot with the rest of the club members. This experience encouraged me to enlist in a local hunter safety course.
New Device Could Reduce Friendly Fire, Hunting Accidents
srael-based SafeShoot Ltd., which develops and markets shooting-related devices, is set to introduce a new device designed to prevent incidents of friendly fire. The device, called GreenShield, will be revealed next week at the Eurosatory exhibition in Paris.

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Practice These Hunting Safety Tips During Turkey Season
Turkey season is upon us, and with that comes excitement, fun, and camaraderie. Add safety, and you’re set for success.
It’s important to prioritize safety this turkey season. Too many times, hunters assume what they were pointing at with the muzzle of their gun was a turkey. Unfortunately, several have pulled the trigger after it was too late, and realized what they shot wasn’t a turkey at all.

Hunter’s Safety
I work a lot of hours. So when I finally get out in the woods, I don’t want to worry about work, politics or bills. I just want to go have fun.
Along these lines, I think a lot of times the safety people in the world tend to make their gospel pretty negative. Don’t do this or you get written up. Violate this rule and you’ll get fired. So because of their negativity, we throw safety in the same group of things we want to get away from while hunting. We just want to get out in the woods and forget about all things stressful.
Safe Shoot’s ‘shoot, no shoot’ technology ready for hunters
The Safe Shoot device was showcased at last month’s SHOT Show in Las Vegas as a simple way to prevent hunting accidents, but the Israeli company — operating out of Los Angeles — has hopes to expand usage among law enforcement.

Safe Shoot – Shot Show 2018
Safe shoot is a device that will improve safety during hunts. We have never before seen this technology and get interested in learning more. See this video we made at Safe-Shoots booth at Shot Show 2018.
If you’re new to SafeShoot here’s the new SafeShoot device explained on American Outdoors.
SafeShoot aims to protect family and friends in the outdoors. Here on American Outdoors, Conrad Evarts explains the groundbreaking technology that will save many lives.

SAFESHOOT — Targeting Enhanced Safety
Not long ago, I published a couple articles about a product called SAFESHOOT. In both instances I shared concerned and real-life experiences purposed in demonstrating the important role such system can play in hunting; of course, SAFESHOOT also delivers big on invaluable reassurance for law enforcement and military operators. I could continue with another true story here but I’ll digress – another experience saved for another time. This bit of writing is in response to a simple request, “Tell us about the product.”
Hunting Safer with SafeShoot | New Help in the Moment of Truth
It’s a funny thing, sensitivity. Years ago, my biology professor explained sensory overload and the first time I was sprayed by a skunk, seconds after I sent a mess of shot through it with a semi-auto 12-gauge, her message made sense; as quickly as the spray overwhelmed me, it disappeared. I couldn’t smell a thing. Unfortunately, my wife’s senses are world-class and she locked me out of the house. After a solid hour of bathing in a concoction my wife threw together, the stench dissipated. I still couldn’t smell it but my wife suggested it was at least tolerable.

Why Every Hunter with Dogs Should Consider SafeShoot
Hunting with dogs is a tradition we continued from our ancestors that colonized America centuries ago. However, the sport of hunting with dogs, though fewer, still remains vibrant and strong today. Dogs can be used for many forms of hunting. Most notably, hunters chase deer, small game, upland birds and waterfowl with dogs every year. This is not an exhaustive list by any means as hunters also hunt bears and wild boar with dogs too.
SafeShoot Poised To Make a Difference In Gun Safety
Technology can save lives. SafeShoot is using technology to provide an additional option in the pursuit of keeping hunters safe beyond the traditional Ten Commandments of Shooting Safety. We have long known that proper training and education saves lives. SafeShoot has developed a technological device focused on keeping guns pointed away from other hunters, participants and hunting dogs. Could such a device keep hunters safe?

Why SafeShoot Is The New Innovative Technology For Keeping Hunters Safe
Hunters, law enforcement, and military are just some of the groups asking about SafeShoot.
SafeShoot is a “unique system that creates a safety network for hunters and assists in preventing friendly-fire incidents.”
Improvise, Adapt & Overcome.
Sad to say, in every hunting season, in every state there are always hunting accidents that involve shooting of another in a hunting party. I know this all too well, I am one of the statistics. On December 28, 1994 my life would change forever after my own hunting accident.

Hunter Safety: Pass It On
Few things get my blood pumping like counting down to our fall deer season. Unfortunately, like most things worth doing, there are risks. While hunting is generally a safe and an amazing way to strengthen bonds, forge new friendships and revel in God’s creation, it’s also a place where, when common sense and communication are sometimes lacking. In those lackluster moments accidents can and do happen.
SafeShoot – Gadget for Safe Hunting Is Available to Buy
It’s not a secret that every activity that involves firearms is risky. The question of gun control is controversial for many countries, especially when it comes to civilians. But even in specialized fields, guns have to be used with proper caution. One of the biggest threats here is friendly fire. In all these situations, whether it’s a military combat or a simple hunting trip, a person is constantly stressed. In this scenario, one false move, one incautious mistake can be fatal. That’s why any measure preventing that is worth a lot of attention.

Face it, hunters with guns do accidentally kill and wound people
Israeli Defense Force (IDF) members developed SafeShoot to reduce firearm accidents. Simply put; SafeShoot is a device packed with cutting edge technology that alerts hunters when a party member is down range regardless of visual line of sight. You do not need to see them to know they are in danger.
SafeShoot – Unique Gadget for Safety Hunting
In prehistoric times, people were involved in two main activities: hunting and gathering. Interestingly, after all this time, even modern people still have this primal instinct to go and find food. Of course, today hunting is much more different – it became more of a leisure activity. There are all kinds of restrictions and regulations but they don’t stop people from hunting.

SafeShoot Releases New Technology to Prevent Friendly Fire Accidents from Occurring
Israeli Defense Force (IDF) members developed SafeShoot to reduce firearm accidents. Simply put; SafeShoot is a device packed with cutting edge technology that alerts hunters when a party member is down range regardless of visual line of sight. You do not need to see them to know they are in danger.
Safe Shoot Device For Hunting and Friendly Fire | SHOT 2017
Safe Shoot is an Israeli company that was showing their device off at the Next booths. The device is a picatinny or scope mounted block, that electronically links up with blocks or transmitters on other rifles or just about anything you want to mount it on (if you can). The concept is brutally simple: Whenever the device is pointed within a certain arc of another device, a rearward facing mini screen lights up red. When it isn’t pointed in that direction, the screen remains blank.

Israeli Startup SafeShoot Prevents Friendly Fire Casualties
The system warns soldiers or hunters about to shoot at their comrades.
The worst nightmare of every commander leading troops into battle and every combat soldier is a deadly mistake in identification in the heat of battle, leading them to aim their weapons at their comrades and shoot.
Israeli startup SafeShoot prevents friendly fire casualties
The worst nightmare of every commander leading troops into battle and every combat soldier is a deadly mistake in identification in the heat of battle, leading them to aim their weapons at their comrades and shoot. All of the world’s armies have a bloody history of what is referred to as “friendly fire.”

Could a product for hunters help prevent blue-on-blue shootings?
Could a product for hunters help prevent blue-on-blue shootings?Safe Shoot modules on each shooter’s long gun automatically detect the position and barrel direction of all member devices
Before founding Safe Shoot, based in Tsipori, Israel, Amir Nadan was deputy inspector general for military auditing and currently is a reserve general in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). His other execs are a Reserve Lt. Col., and a retired Major in the USMC. Yeah, they probably know something about guns and friendly fire.
Israeli Startup SafeShoot Prevents Friendly Fire Casualties
Life and death decisions are made instantly during battle, and sometimes soldiers mistakenly shoot at their own men, thinking they are the enemy. But this doesn’t have to happen anymore thanks to a new innovation by an Israeli startup company.

Israeli system to help prevent ‘friendly fire’ incidents
SafeShoot can be affixed to any kind of weapon. It will alert both the operator of the weapon and those under risk immediately and automatically. The system is expected to become operational for military use within a year.
SafeShoot, a new Israeli-developed system, could help prevent incidents of “friendly fire” by alerting troops to friendly forces nearby.